About Intuitive Counselling

Psychiatry is larger than cognitive behavior, humanistic, psycho dynamic etc. In fact anyone seeing a counselor often does not understand the terminology. They are looking for simple listening. This is where holistic intuitive counselling fits. It is much more refined than listening to someone and providing guidance.

Though based on the traditional idea of counseling, this method enables the counselor to study the overall environment of their client and offer help. In whole it means listening to someone and advising them based feelings rather than facts. The first thing that as a student of psychiatry anyone learns is to put their experienced aside and think solely from the point of view of the person who they are dealing with.

This, when combined with their own intuition gives a powerful understanding. There are three minds: conscious, one that forms ideas from what we see. Sub-conscious is the one that perceives and stores it in the form of our beliefs and ideas and super conscious is expanded awareness or our realm of knowledge. Intuition is so much more than simple feeling formation. It is finding solutions at a super conscious level while dealing at a conscious level.

As a counselor, one understands the facts and backgrounds of their clients and then utilize this information to find a solution by a combination of creative thinking and already existing knowledge. This is where the super conscious mind plays a vital role. One can enhance their super conscious mind with psychiatric studies, experience and intuition.

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